Environment and climate protection

Solargenossenschaft Liechtenstein

The Liechtenstein Solar Cooperative is an important player in the field of renewable energies. It builds photovoltaic systems, provides information on various applications of solar energy and carries out political lobbying.

Thirty years ago, she proved that solar energy is not just a pipe dream: although photovoltaics were much more expensive at the time, she realized various installations of her own in the 1990s with the support of the state, municipalities, private individuals and foundations.

It later campaigned for property owners to receive cost-covering remuneration for the electricity they fed into the grid. This was implemented in 2008 with the Energy Efficiency Act.

The solar cooperative advises private individuals and institutions on issues relating to photovoltaics and other renewable energies. It has become an established authority in Liechtenstein, providing advice and support in the search for constructive solutions.

Liechtenstein is the "solar world champion" - not least thanks to the tireless and voluntary work of the Solargenossenschaft, which will continue its commitment to accelerating the construction of new plants in Liechtenstein in the future to ensure that the energy transition takes place on time. It needs your help to achieve this.

Solargenossenschaft Liechtenstein
Field of activity
Advocacy for renewable energies and a sustainable energy transition
Geographical area of activity
Presidium/Management Board
Presidium: Prof. Dr. Daniel Gstöhl Management: Andi Götz
Company form
Founding year
Postal address
Birkenweg 6, P.O. Box 274, 9490 Vaduz
+423 233 11 60
Bank/account number
LLB, LI12 0880 0426 0020 3200 1
Association membership
SES Switzerland. Energy Foundation, Eurosolar, Association of Independent Energy Producers VESE, CIPRA Liechtenstein
Commercial register no.
Tax-exempt institution